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Catch up on all of day one's EGX developer sessions

Alien, Total War, Dragon Age and more, all archived on EGXTV on YouTube.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

It's day two of EGX at Earls Court in London, and as with every day of the show we'll be streaming all the developer sessions at on Twitch and at Eurogamer's own EGX live page.

But what if you missed the live streams of any of yesterday's sessions? You can catch up with them all over on the brand new EGXTV YouTube channel, where we're archiving every session (and running a few more videos besides).

You can find all of day one's sessions in this handy playlist and embedded below. Added bonus: my natty outfit and excessively shiny bald head can be glimpsed in the first two, along with the much more handsome Martin Robinson and Bertie Purchese in later vids.

Dead Island 2

Watch on YouTube

Dragon Age: Inquisition

Watch on YouTube

David Braben presents Elite: Dangerous

Watch on YouTube

OlliOlli 2 announced!

Watch on YouTube

Total War: Attila announced!

Watch on YouTube

Alien: Isolation

Watch on YouTube

Never Alone

Watch on YouTube

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