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Carmageddon Reincarnation Mac and Linux versions confirmed

Kickstarter ends with 156% of target raised.

Mac and Linux versions of Carmageddon Reincarnation are confirmed after its Kickstarter ended with 156 per cent of its target raised.

UK studio Stainless Games had asked for $400,000. It ended up with $625,143 after 30 days of campaigning.

In addition to a copy of the game backers receive rewards ranging from t-shirts to posters, miniature models of the game's cars to a chance to appear in the game as a pedestrian. The top tier reward was to become one of the game's driver characters with a custom car of your own design. This reward sold out, with all three places taken up by backers who were willing to give $10,000.

Patrick Buckland, Stainless co-founder and CEO said: "This result is way beyond our expectations, and shows again how fantastic this crowd funding model can be for the independent developer.

"We're so pleased to have been one of the band of pioneering videogame studios on Kickstarter. It shows what a fantastic opportunity this is for both the indie studios and gamers alike."

Stainless co-founder Neil "Nobby" Barnden added: "We want to thank all of our backers for making the last month so exciting and such a huge success. Interacting directly with the people pledging money to see our project come to fruition has been a fantastic experience. We'd recommend it to any studio out there who might be thinking of taking the plunge into a Kickstarter campaign themselves… It's mad, it's exhausting, but SO rewarding."

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