Bully, Manhunt now available to buy on PS4
£11.99 each.
You can now buy the PlayStation 2 versions of Manhunt and Bully on PlayStation 4.

The two Rockstar titles cost £11.99 apiece and weigh in at 2GB.
Don't expect a huge remaster in either case (Sony lists that they have been "up-rendered" to 1080p). These are the same games you remember, years after each of their PS2 debuts sparked positive reviews and plenty of coverage in the tabloids.
The one exception to that is the fact Bully now has Trophies, including a Platinum award.
Manhunt will, presumably, also have Trophies too - although its list of awards has yet to go live.
We can't see either game on the PS4's storefront just yet, but their purchase pages are up on the PlayStation web store - here's Manhunt and Bully, listed under its EU name Canis Canem Edit.