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Borderlands 2 Badass Rank bug plaguing users "not connected" to DLC

Gearbox "investigating", Mechromancer/title update downloads safe.

A Borderlands 2 bug that is resetting gamers' Badass Rank is unrelated to yesterday's Mechromancer DLC and title update, developer Gearbox has announced.

Users have reported seeing their Badass Rank wiped and Gold Keys lost.

The glitch occurred yesterday alongside the release of the Mechromancer character, leading users to speculate the two were related.

"The good news is that the release of Mechromancer and today's update are not connected to the occurrences of Badass Rank being reset," community manager Chris Faylor wrote on the official Gearbox forums.

"While the timing may appear coincidental, it's a separate issue that we are continuing to investigate."

Gearbox is asking those infected with the bug to drop them an email at:

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