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BioWare to hold Star Wars: The Old Republic Guild Summit

Studio wants to explain design decisions, get player feedback.

Star Wars: The Old Republic developer BioWare has invited guild leaders from around the world to its Texas base to harvest some player feedback and discuss future plans for the game.

As detailed on the game's official site, the inaugural Guild Summit takes place at Austin's DoubleTree Hotel from 4th to 6th March.

Attendees will participate in Q&A sessions and roundtable feedback discussions, as well as getting a sneak preview of some new features.

"The goal of the summit is to facilitate an open discussion between guild leaders and the game design team," explained BioWare.

"This event will provide an opportunity for attendees to voice their feedback directly to the teams responsible for the design of Star Wars: The Old Republic, hear the team's thoughts and reasons behind design decisions, and discuss the current direction of the game."

Invitations have been sent out to various high-level players, but any guild leaders out there who haven't received one but would like to attend can fill in an online application form. Should you be deemed worthy, BioWare will then add you to the guest list.

Don't be getting any ideas though - it's not a free jolly. "Guild leaders selected to attend are responsible for all of their travel, food and lodging expenses," added the studio's blurb. Not even a tray of cocktail sausages? Come on now BioWare, share the wealth.

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