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Beyond Good & Evil 2 is almost definitely in development

UPDATE: Ubisoft confirms. It's finally happening!

UPDATE 6th October 2016: Ubisoft has confirmed Beyond Good & Evil 2 is in development.

After a number of teaser images were released by series chief developer Michel Ancel, publisher Ubisoft has used the Beyond Good & Evil Facebook page to confirm the long-awaited sequel is finally in the works.

"If you've been waiting for news about BG&E... well, here you go! We are delighted to confirm that Michel Ancel is currently working with the Ubisoft Montpellier Studio on a new Beyond Good & Evil game," reads the message.

Here's hoping it actually happens this time.

ORIGINAL STORY 4th October 2016: Beyond Good & Evil developer Michel Ancel recently teased a couple of images suggesting that the long-awaited sequel to his cult-classic 2003 adventure game may actually see the light of day. Now Ancel has made it painstakingly clear that the game is being worked on - though it's only in pre-production.

"Endangered species - now saved - Game in pre-production - Stay tuned!" the Rayman creator teased on Instagram along with the following image of a familiar Rastafarian rhino mechanic:

Mammagoing where no rhino has gone before.

When pressed for info about what these pics are from, Ubisoft offered Eurogamer the following statement:

"Michel is currently sharing his time between Ubisoft and Wild Sheep studios. The artwork he posted is from the game he's currently working on at Ubisoft. We don't have anything further to share at this stage."

Now whatever could this mystery game be?

Ancel has been vocal about his desire to make Beyond Good & Evil 2 for some time now. A pre-rendered CGI trailer was shown way back in 2008 (before The Last Guardian was even announced!), but in 2013 Ancel told us that his vision for the project was too big for the tech of 2008. It sounds like it might have been too big for the tech of 2013 too, for that matter, as it's three years later and the project hasn't gelled beyond pre-production at this point.

Still, confirmation that Ancel is collaborating with Ubisoft on another game with anthropomorphised sharks, pigs and rhinos should excite fans.

Now who wants to place bets on what's coming out first: Beyond Good & Evil 2 or Half-Life 3?

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