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Atari dates RPG trio

Witcher, NWN2 exp, D&D Tactics.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

The latest release schedule from Atari has concreted dates for three of its upcoming role-playing games.

Out of the blocks on 14th September are The Witcher and Dungeons & Dragons: Tactics.

The first of these is a PC adventure based around Polish novels that follow a professional and mutant monster hunter, Geralt. It's a gritty and unflinching affair aimed at a mature audience, and is built on a modified version of BioWare's impressive Aurora engine. Head over to The Witcher gamepage for our first impressions and game media.

Dungeons & Dragons: Tactics, on the other hand, is a traditional turn-based affair for PSP. It hopes to fill the D&D void on the platform by offering an unashamdely traditional and beardy level of depth. You'll also be able to venture online and group up with your friends to tackle nasty dragons and cellars full of rats. Pop into our Dungeons & Dragons: Tactics gamepage to find our interview with game producer Lawrence Liberty, as well as all the various trailers and screenshots.

The last of the trio is expansion pack Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer, due for release on 12th October. Perhaps the most exciting new feature here is the addition of epic levels, which will take you above and beyond the previous limit of 20. It also means you'll get your hands on powerful new feats and spells to help in your adventures below the earth's surface. You can enjoy lots more base and prestige classes, too, on top of new races, companions, monsters, weapons, armour and modding tools.

Pop into our Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer gamepage to catch up with our recent chat with CEO of developer Obsidian, Feargus Urquhart. Alternatively you can quest over to our Neverwinter Nights 2 review to see why it warranted an expansion.

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