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Assassin's Creed dated

November. Click anyway!

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Assassin's Creed is due out worldwide in November on PS3, Xbox 360 and PC, Ubisoft said this morning.

"Assassin's Creed is going to be a huge launch for Ubisoft this year along with the added prestige of being the start of this exciting new franchise that is bringing something completely new to the market," said Tony Key, who you'll be surprised to learn is vice president of marketing.

"We're confident that Assassin's Creed will exceed expectations as a 'must-have' title this holiday season and will achieve both critical and commercial success."

Those expectations certainly are high following a collection of heavy-hitting trailers in which four-fingered assassin Altair parkours his way over the rooftops of 12th century buildings trying to avoid capture and kill things. He gets to blend into crowds to escape, clamber up steeples and - as we saw at UbiDays last month - jump off buildings into bales of hay.

Ubisoft has said that it will offer those in the trade hands-on experience of the game at a special Assassin's event in the middle of July to coincide with the new-format E3, so expect to hear what we make of it around then. In the meantime, you'll be able to catch up with its progress on today's Eurogamer TV Show.

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