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Nokia Game kicks off

The mother of all mobile phone games gets underway this weekend

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Nokia sent along a timely reminder that this week is your last chance to sign up for the Nokia Game, a massive multimedia affair which sets you a series of challenges and puzzles to complete over the next three weeks. The unique part of the Game is that clues and new tasks are provided by everything from SMS messages, e-mails, websites and mobile phone calls to adverts on television, radio, magazines and newspapers across 28 countries in Europe and the Middle East. Electronic Arts tried something vaguely similar in the US with Majestic, mixing phone calls, instant messages and e-mails, but the game promptly flopped, plunging their division even further into the red. By contrast, last year half a million people took part in the Nokia Game, and the Finns are hoping to do even better this year thanks to the addition of a points system which lets you keep track of your performance through the Nokia Game website. The top scoring players will go through to a grand final where you can win one of fifty brand new Nokia handsets. It's free to enter, and with the Game kicking off on Sunday you still have a couple of days to sign up if you fancy finding out what all the fuss is about. All you need to take part is an SMS-capable mobile phone and internet access. Head over to the Nokia Game website to find out more.

Source - press release

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