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Xbox website relaunched

Microsoft's new website aims to dispell the rumours

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Microsoft have unveiled their new website, which includes information on officially confirmed release titles, publishers and developers signed up to the console, GameStock 2001 information and an Xbox news subscription service. Also included on the website is a call out to Seattle-based gamers looking for some pro bono Xbox playtesting work. GameStock 2001, which kicked off on Monday, brought games developers from all over the world to scrutinize the Xbox. New titles and developers have been confirmed, as reported on the website, with newcomers like Bizarre Creations' codename "Gotham", Argonaut's "Malice" and Blitz Games' "Fusion Frenzy". The full list of confirmed titles and publishers can be seen on the new games page. The latest from GameStock 2001 are some new Halo screenshots, which really are of an exceptional visual quality. Overall, we reckon the new is worth a few minutes of your time while surfing the web today.

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