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Microsoft to show off Xbox in action

Monday 12th is here, but we'll have to wait for it to dawn in Seattle before we get to see anything

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Microsoft have finally decided to put their bottomless marketing wallet on standby for a couple of days and let the games do the talking. On the 12th March (that's today, by the way), they will be showing off a little substance from their headquarters in Seattle, with the following industry luminaries on hand: Peter Molyneux (Lionhead), Lorne Lanning (Oddworld), Chris Taylor (Gas Powered Games - he did Total Annihilation, so get down on your knees), Alex Garden (Relic), Martyn Chudley (Bizarre Creations), Carl Schnurr (Microsoft) and of course Jason Jones (Bungie). What can we expect to see though? There's all sorts of speculation, with everything from Black & White Xbox to MSR Xbox being touted. The only thing that's really certain is that this is a make or break day for Microsoft - the first real time that the public will get to see the Xbox in action, and not just pre-rendered Oddworld show-offs. We hope to bring you full analysis when the news lands tomorrow morning (at the close in Seattle). Related Feature - Thinking about the Box

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