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APB is "bastard child" of GTA

Realtime says crime MMO is life's work.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Talking to videogaming247, Realtime Worlds' Colin Macdonald said that crime MMO All Points Bulletin is everything creator Dave Jones has wanted to do since he started work on the first GTA.

"It's the bastard child of everything we've been striving towards over the 15-20 years that Realtime Worlds, DMA and David Jones have been making games," confirmed Macdonald.

"It's where we want to go in terms of sandbox gameplay and everything that started with Grand Theft Auto and was evolving through Crackdown."

Dave Jones founded DMA Design 20 years ago and was instrumental in the creation of the first Grand Theft Auto. He founded Realtime Worlds after DMA was acquired by Rockstar.

"It's just what the company was set up to do, what Dave's always wanted to do, from GTA and before Crackdown and APB," observed Macdonald.

And selling it back to Rockstar as GTA Online would bring the process full circle - but that's no more than a rumour at present.

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