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Ambitious Skyrim mod Skyblivion in final stages of development

Morroweyr still yet to be announced.

The volunteer-based group TESRenewel has released a new teaser trailer showing the incredible progress it's made on the mod to remake Oblivion in the Skyrim engine.

Skyblivion started life back in 2012 with the aim to bring The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion to a new generation of gamers, and seven years on it's clearly made some great progress, though no news of when we'll see a playable version just yet.

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"We have been hard at work these past few years and recently a lot of that work has fallen into place, finally shaping up to what we can call a proper video game," writes project lead Rebelize. "It's been a long ride but we are finally at a point where the end is almost in sight.

"Creatures, flora, weapons, armor and 3D assets in general are being implemented and produced at a rapid pace, and as a result the world is starting to feel alive."

The mod now has a dev team of over 50 volunteers, but TESRenewel are still looking for help to bring the game to fruition.

"We still need help with the project," the Skyblivion team states. "Mostly in the 3D and coding departments but concept artists, CK modders and texture artists are always a welcome sight."

When it finally does release, the mod will be completely free - however you will need to own a copy of both Skyrim and Oblivion to play it.

If you want to find out more, or perhaps even get involved with this "monster" of a project, they have a shiny new website that went live earlier this month.

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