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Ambitious mod aims to turn Fallout: New Vegas into Star Wars

"Your eyes can deceive you. Don't trust them."

A group of modders are working to turn Fallout: New Vegas into a Star Wars game.

Star Wars Open Worlds uses Bethesda's 2010 role-playing game as the basis for a story-driven Star Wars game with a dozen planets to explore.

The video below, released by one of the chief members of the project, a modder who goes by the name Tank Girl, shows familiar Star Wars characters, environments and vehicles rebuilt in the New Vegas engine.

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The mod is certainly ambitious. Among the goals are fully voice-acted characters, a character customisation system, and RPG-style skill system, a new crafting system, multiple factions, new companions as well as bounty hunting and side quests.

All this alongside a "choice-driven" story and 12 planets to explore. It sounds like the kind of Star Wars game Bethesda would make, given the chance.

Will it ever come out? We've seen mods this ambitious fall by the wayside due to their scope. But perhaps the lawyers at LucasFilm Games will have something to say before then. They're partial to a Star Wars cease and desist, after all.

For now, though, it's fun to imagine a Star Wars game in the Bethesda mould. Create your character, go anywhere, do anything! Perhaps one of the many Star Wars games in the works at the moment will be along those lines.

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