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Allods Online European launch today

An attractive free MMO worth a look.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

After a year of intense testing, comely free MMO Allods Online has today launched across Europe.

Coinciding with launch is the arrival of update Volume 4: Astral Odyssey. Volume 4 raises the level-cap, opens two high-level zones, offers six new Allods and bumps up the number of daily events. There's loads of new items and equipment, too.

Astral Odyssey also sees to it that those who complete the starter area content also now get a starter pack. Similar bonuses are offered incrementally right the way up to level 30.

Eurogamer reviewed Allods Online more than a year ago, turning up a 6/10. But for an MMO, a year's worth of improvements can prove significant. How much Allods Online has improved we'll have to wait and see.

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