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Alien Hominid HD DLC

PDA levels to thumb through.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Those of you still buzzing around The Behemoth's excellent Alien Hominid HD have been invited to invest another 150 Microsoft points for a bit of bonus content.

The "PDA Classic Pack 2" is available now and introduces 100 new PDA levels for the Xbox-wonga equivalent of GBP 1.28 or EUR 1.74. The PDA levels, if you've somehow forgotten, are stick-man platformers.

That's what it says in Kristan's review, anyway. Great Leader declared the game to be a "welcome inclusion" to Xbox Live Arcade "and well worth checking out".

Also on Live in the Alien Hominid HD box are a pair of picture packs - a Classic one and a Creator Series one. Both cost 100 Microsoft points, or whatever the hell that is I can't be bothered to reload the website Google it.

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