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You can play Tracer in Heroes of the Storm before the Overwatch open beta

The cavalry's here.

Pseudo-British Overwatch hero, Tracer will be playable in Heroes of the Storm a whole two weeks prior to the launch of Overwatch's open beta.

Heroes of the Storm players who pre-purchase a digital copy of the Overwatch: Origins Edition on PC will unlock Tracer from the 19th April, with everyone else being able to purchase her from the 26th.

Although Overwatch is currently running an invite-only beta, it doesn't expand to an open beta until the 3rd May.

To get in you have to have pre-purchased a digital copy of the game (or a physical copy from select retailers), although it'll be open to everyone a couple of days later.

Anyway, you can get an idea for how Tracer plays in HotS by watching the video below. I always find it interesting to see how Blizzard translates abilities from their other games into their not-a-MOBA hero brawler, and this one's no exception.

Aside from being able to teleport about the place, Tracer can also shoot while moving, which will be a first for the game and looks like it might be quite a bit of fun.

Watch on YouTube

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