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Xbox Series X mini fridge launches later this year

"A new system that leaves others cold."

Yesterday, we saw a meme turned reality. No, not Final Fantasy Origins, but the Xbox Series X mini fridge.

Microsoft is really going to release this dinky desk-sized refrigerator later this year. Like Halo Infinite, it has a vague "holiday 2021" launch date.

If you stuck around after Microsoft's big Xbox and Bethesda Showcase event yesterday, you'll have seen the following trailer pop up, showing off how it'll look:

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It seems you'll be able to fit two sets of four cans on each of the fridge's lower levels, and another two horizontally on the top shelf. Even my maths skills can work out that's 10 tins total.

The trailer also cheekily promises "Xbox Velocity Cooling Architecture", whatever that actually means. We'll have to get Digital Foundry on that.

Why is Xbox doing this? The Xbox fridge meme sprang to life after the Series X's original unveiling. Microsoft, happy to poke fun at itself, picked up the meme and then sent actual, enormous American-style fridges shaped like the console to influencers, including Snoop Dogg, last year.

But what about a mini-fridge that was more Xbox Series X's size, fans asked? Like a lot of things these days, some people on the internet asked for this, and now it is happening.

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