Xbox One Kinect adaptor officially dead now, too
Removing all compatibility with S and X.
Xbox One's unloved camera accessory just died another death - the adaptor which let it work with Microsoft's current Xbox One models has now also been discontinued.

Kinect itself was canned in October.
"After careful consideration, we decided to stop manufacturing the Xbox Kinect Adapter to focus attention on launching new, higher fan-requested gaming accessories across Xbox One and Windows 10," Microsoft has now confirmed (thanks, Polygon).
In a telling move, Microsoft left out the Kinect port in both the Xbox One S and Xbox One X models. Instead, you require a Kinect adaptor (sold separately) to use the camera.
Xbox One S initially launched with a now-expired offer of a free Kinect adaptor. Xbox One X did not - a sign the writing was already on the wall.
The Xbox 360 Kinect famously became the fastest-selling consumer electronics device in history upon its 2010 launch, but support dwindled and eventually died after Microsoft's ill-fated push to bundle an Xbox One Kinect with each console.
The release of Xbox One Kinect games soon slowed to a trickle, and Microsoft eventually removed the accessory's unreliable gesture support from the Xbox One dashboard.
It's been a long time coming, but after flailing my arms at my TV and trying to enunciate "XBOX ON" in ever louder tones rather than simply pressing a button, Kinect's death feels like something few will mourn.