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Windows chief set to replace Don Mattrick as Xbox boss

Microsoft management reshuffle due next week.

Julie Larson-Green, Corporate Vice President, Windows. Currently.

Windows chief Julie Larson-Green is set to replace Don Mattrick as boss of Xbox, according to a report by business publication Bloomberg.

Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer will announce a management reshuffle next week, and as part of that Larson-Green may assume control of hardware engineering for the whole company, a source told Bloomberg. That includes Xbox in all its forms.

Larson-Green is a 20-year Microsoft veteran who specialises in technical design and development. She worked on Internet Explorer 3.0, Internet Explorer 4.0, Microsoft Office and, most recently, Windows 8.

Apparently former Xbox boss Don Mattrick, who joins Zynga as CEO next week, was in-line for the job.

Bloomberg notes that the restructuring isn't finalised and Ballmer may continue to shuffle the pack.

Microsoft declined to comment.

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