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Wasteland 2 Kickstarter shoots past $900k goal in 48 hours

Fargo declares this the "best week of my life!".

The Wasteland 2 Kickstarter drive has shot past its $900,000 goal in just 48 hours - leading creator Brian Fargo to declare this the "best week of my life!"

Fargo's inXile Entertainment now has $925,142 in the coffers courtesy of 16,060 generous pledges. There are 33 days left to go.

"Woot!!! We did it!!!! Fantastic! I am going to sleep like a baby tonight," the delighted Fargo tweeted. "Once again I am awed by the support! A dream come true today."

Then: "And again... you have all been amazing and only through your efforts would this have ever happened! To think 20+ years...!"

One of the most generous backers was Razer's CEO Min-Liang Tan, who donated a whopping $10,000. In a Tweet, he apologised for pirating Wasteland when it released in 1988. "And I'm sorry for playing on a pirated copy of Wasteland years ago, I hope this makes up for it," he tweeted Fargo. We're pretty sure it does.

Now, the hard work on Wasteland 2 begins. Fargo called on fans to pop their suggestions for the crowd-funded sequel on the official forum.

Fargo promised the game will stick with the original's top-down gameplay, and will be developed with a number of the original design team on board.

The more money raised, the bigger the game will be.

"At $1.25 million, the money will go primarily into making the world bigger, adding more maps, more divergent stories and even more music," wrote Fargo.

"At $1.5 million, the world gets even bigger. You'll have more adventures to play, more challenges to deal with, and a greater level of complexity to the entire storyline. We'll add more environments, story elements, and characters to make the rich world come alive even more. We will even be able to bring Wasteland 2 to OS X for Mac lovers.

"And after $1.5 million the sky is the limit."

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