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Wadjet Eye's latest, Shardlight, gets a March release date

By the folks behind A Golden Wake and the Blackwell series.

Gemini Rue and Blackwell developer Wadjet Eye Games has set an 8th March release date for its oldschool point-and-click sci-fi adventure Shardlight.

While Wadjet Eye has published numerous adventure games recently (Technobabylon, Primordia, Resonance) most have been developed by third-party teams. Shardlight is the first game developed in-house by Wadjet Eye since Blackwell Epiphany in 2014, though this latest outing is being headed by Francisco Gonzalez, who previously led development on jazzy noir adventure A Golden Wake at Grundislav Games before joining Wadjet Eye's official ranks.

Shardlight follows mechanic Amy Wellard as she navigates a post-apocalyptic city looking for a cure to her illness. Along the way she'll discover some shadowy government organisation and assist in a revolution.

Take a look at how Shardlight is shaping up in its moody release date trailer below:

Watch on YouTube

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