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Video: Scram Kitty and His Buddy on Rails live stream

The cat that got the cream.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

At long last, DakkoDakko's excellent Scram Kitty and His Buddy on Rails is out! I've been looking forward to the Wii U exclusive ever since laying eyes on it early last year, and thankfully it really doesn't disappoint - it's a completely unique challenge, with the emphasis really being on challenge there.

"For some, the lack of variety combined with the stiff challenge will be too much," wrote Simon in his review earlier this afternoon. "For others, the steepness of the initial learning curve will throw them from the rails before they get anywhere. But for those who master its controls, there is glorious opportunity for showboating play; it's a game built with admirable craft and singular focus, and it richly rewards your investment."

Ian Higton's going to be facing up to the first hour or so of the game from 4.30pm BST today, so you can have a little look at what a few of us have been getting so excited about then.

Watch on YouTube

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