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Video: 5 sneaky changes to historic Paris in Assassin's Creed: Unity

Plus more from Outside Xbox.

French physician Dr Guillotin advocated the guillotine as a more humane way to kill someone than the standard way of offing people in Revolutionary Paris, which, if Assassin's Creed: Unity is to be believed, was shooting them in the trachea with a wrist-mounted crossbow.

For further legit history facts see Show of the Week, which ponders the ways Unity took liberties with historical accuracy to optimise old timey Paris for modern players of Assassin's Creed. Bonjour, anachronistic doorknobs.

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Also this week on Outside Xbox, we inspected Dragon Age: Inquisition's multiplayer offering: a four-player co-op mode with optional microtransactions. What does spending real money get you in Dragon Age's new multiplayer? We bought and opened chests of randomised loot so you don't have to in this Xbox One gameplay.

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That suicidal raid on the Orlesian Chateau notwithstanding, we spend most of our time in games trying not to die. But you do occasionally hack your way through a thousand goons to reach the bit where, it turns out, your death is unavoidable.

The difference between losing your last health point to the 831st henchman and going down in a blaze of scripted glory, though, is more than whether you get to respawn. Consider these seven times your canonical death was crucial for very important reasons, sorry. Beware of spoilers ahead for several games, though nothing newer than 2013.

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So ends your weekly update Outside Xbox. Join us at for daily videos, and thanks for watching.

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