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Valve to debut new VR hardware at GDC next week

Along with the "final Steam Controller" and "new living room devices".

Valve is going to be debuting a slew of new hardware at GDC next week.

Valve's VR headset prototype. I hope the polka dots remain part of the final version.

This includes "Steam Machines with the final Steam Controller, new living room devices, and a previously-unannounced SteamVR hardware system." Exciting, huh?

Valve had previously revealed prototypes of its VR hardware to a limited audience, but reports of it have been mum for quite some time. At one point Valve was even backing Oculus Rift before the popular VR company was purchased by Facebook for $2b.

Valve is currently looking for developers to create VR content. Interested parties can sign up for a demo at GDC here.

Last year Steam grew to 125m active accounts worldwide. Its market now consists of 4500 games and 400m pieces of user-generated content.

This GDC marks Steam's 13th birthday. Mazel tov!

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