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Valve: Portal 2 does not support Move

Faliszek comments clarified.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Earlier today we reported that the PlayStation 3 version of Portal 2 will have full Move support, based on comments from Valve's Chet Faliszek. However, the developer has since got in touch to confirm that this will not in fact be the case.

Faliszek told the German PlayStation Blog that the game would boast "PS3-exclusive cloud saving, a free code for PC and complete PlayStation Move support."

The subsequent statement from Valve spokesman Doug Lombardi read, "this quote was 'lost in translation' - Portal 2 does not include support for Sony's motion controller."

For the record, we've double checked our original translation of Faliszek's comments and there was no error made.

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