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UK's first permanent video game museum opens in November

Stay awhile and listen.

Video games have recently been receiving a lot of attention from museums in the UK. Only last month, the V&A threw open the doors to its new exhibit Videogames: Design/Play/Disrupt which explores the social, political and artistic dimensions of video games and their communities. The V&A exhibition is only due to last until the end of February - but don't worry: Brits will soon be able to visit another instalment all year round.

On November 24th, the UK's first permanent video game museum will be opened to the public. Based in Sheffield, the National Videogame Museum (NVM) will host "scores of playable consoles and arcade machines" as well as "innovative exhibitions of studios, their games and how they are made". It will also feature cultural festivals and "unique exhibitions reaching back to the industry's birth and forward to games still in development".

Oh well, whatever, NVM.

It's essentially a revamp of Nottingham's National Videogame Arcade, which announced it was moving cities back in June. As the National Videogame Arcade, the organisation presented exhibits on Football Manager, Dizzy and Monument Valley - so it's easy to assume some of these may make an appearance at the new museum. What we do know is that Gang Beasts is set to have a "test lab" exhibit - although quite frankly I'm not entirely sure what this means.

The NVM is currently "talking to publishers and developers about showcasing their work," so we'll have to stay tuned to hear more about it. If you want to stay in the loop, you can sign up to the NVM's mailing list for updates on the new museum. Never before have I been so excited to educate myself. Seems like a good excuse for a school trip, no?

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