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Those annoying Windows 10 upgrade notifications will finally go away for good


Microsoft's incessant notifications telling you to upgrade to Windows 10 will soon be a thing of the past.

Yep, we get it.

If you're on a PC and don't have Windows 10 already then you'll likely have seen one or two hundred of these popups over the past year.

Rest assured, there is an end in sight - on 29th July.

"Details are still being finalised, but on 29th July the Get Windows 10 app that facilitates the easy upgrade to Windows 10 will be disabled and eventually removed from PCs worldwide," Winbeta reported.

"Just as it took time to ramp up and roll out the Get Windows 10 app, it will take time to ramp it down."

You'll only see the notifications if you're on Windows 7 or 8.1 still and have continued to ignore them so far. Upgrading is still free and Windows 10 has been positively received, although if you've held out this long you're probably happy as you are.

It's worth remembering, however, that it will cost you $199 to change your mind and upgrade to Windows 10 after 29th July. So if you are still waiting for a rainy day to do the hour-long installation - get it done before you have to pay.

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