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There's no new official Half-Life game, but there is an officially licensed Half-Life comic

And Chapter 3 is out this month.

There exists an officially-licensed Half-Life comic - and this month Chapter 3 comes out.

Half-Life and the number 3. See Valve. It's easy.

That's right, we said Half-Life and 3 in the same sentence, and it relates to an actual thing that's actually confirmed to be coming out. Shocking!

It's called Half-Life: A Place In The West - Chapter 3. Never heard of A Place In the West? It has its origins as a fan project - as most things Half-Life related do these days - but managed to snag a license from Valve to use the Half-Life IP commercially.

The comic began life in 2014, with an official launch on Steam last September. Chapter 3: The Pit continues the adventures of Leyla Poirier and Albert Kempinski, taking them further into the world of New Franklin.

Here's the official blurb:

Watch on YouTube

Half-Life: A Place in the West - Chapter 3: The Pit will be available exclusively via Steam on Friday 21st July, priced £1.49.

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