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There's an Elite: Dangerous rock opera at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe

Promos tease what it will look and sound like.

This sounds fun: a rock opera based on Elite: Dangerous, at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe next month.

The show is called Mercy and the Wild Sea and combines film, live music and performance. Judging by the promotional video, that film will contain game footage of spaceships flying around, as well as to-camera sections by pilots. Looks pretty slick. And it sounds good too - a montage of music teasing heartfelt folk songs and foot-stomping rock.

Watch on YouTube

Mercy and the Wild Sea runs 6th-13th August at Paradise in Augustines (venue 152), and tickets are £8. The show is 50 minutes long, and the group behind it is Wild Sea Productions.

Of course, there's plenty of drama in Elite: Dangerous without seeing it on stage. Wes investigated the controversial world of griefers in Elite: Dangerous earlier this year, interviewing the notorious Smiling Dog Crew.

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