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There's a new Left 4 Dead... for Japanese arcades

UPDATE: And here's a trailer. "Run and shot"!

UPDATE 14/05/2014: A new trailer for Left 4 Dead: Survivors finally shows gameplay footage of the Japanese arcade spin-off.

It looks like the Left 4 Dead we all know and love, only now with funny advertising bullet points like "run and shot". Check it out below.

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ORIGINAL STORY 30/04/2014: It's not the new Left 4 Dead many fans of Valve's co-op first-person shooter are hoping for, but it is a new Left 4 Dead nonetheless.

Left 4 Dead: Survivors is a new Left 4 Dead game specifically designed for Japanese arcades. It's a joint venture between Valve and Taito, which has form in reworking Valve games: in 2006 it released Half-Life 2: Survivor in Japanese arcades and according to Eurogamer's Christian Donlan went down well.

We don't have much else to go on with Left 4 Dead: Survivors, save a live action video, below, for the game when it was known as Project Z, and a new image confirming the name, above.

Valve has, of course, been rumoured to be making Left 4 Dead 3. In August 2013 Left 4 Dead 3 and Source 2 were spotted by members of the Dota 2 subReddit during a tour of Valve's Seattle office.

In October 2012, Eurogamer asked Valve's Chet Faliszek if he'd like to make a third game in the co-op zombie shooter series. "You know, some time down the road," he replied. "Like anything, I would say that to all of our games. So that's not a promise of when or where."

But would you like to? we pressed.

"I really love working on that series. It's one of my favourite series. It's just so much fun with the characters and the world. I love zombies and I love horror. So, yeah."

The original Source engine debuted with Counter-Strike: Source and Half-Life 2 in 2004.

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