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The Eurogamer Podcast - Uncharted 4, Overwatch, Stellaris & Clash Royale

Brought to you by the Bitcoin Buds.

Hello again! Listen, I said there was going to be a podcast the week after EGX Rezzed and there wasn't. That's on me. Completely my fault. 100%. I've let you down. That being said, there was also a bank holiday last week, which didn't help. And I had to go and visit my family before that as well. So yeah, technically it's my mistake. But also perhaps the bank's? Or my parents'?

Anyway, what really matters is that we're back. Joining me on this week's podcast is editor-in-chief, Oli Welsh, with some post-review thoughts on Uncharted 4. He calls it the best game in the series, but didn't think it deserved a Eurogamer Essential badge. What that all about, ey? I'm not going to tell you here, because then you won't listen to the podcast.

We've also got the lovely Christian Donlan, who's been playing some Clash Royale. It's a hugely popular, free-to-play mobile game and I thought we'd hate it. We do not hate it. In fact, it might be really good?

And finally, Bertie's around to chat some Overwatch, because that's all he does any more, whilst I've got a big ol' strategy game to talk about. Got to stay on-brand!

Hope you like it.

Alternatively, you can find the podcast in these places:

iTunes (Don't forget to subscribe, as this is a brand new feed)

YouTube (It's not a video podcast, but we thought we'd upload it all the same)

RSS feed

See you in a couple of weeks!

To stay on top of all the latest developments in the game, take a look at our dedicated Overwatch site at MetaBomb.

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