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The E3 bulletin: Friday

Reggie vs VR! Pay to pirate! VR porn!

It's all over for another year, and it was... pretty good. It's becoming clearer that we're never going to relive the intoxicating insanity of 2013's hardware throwdown, possibly ever, so we're just going to have to make do with some really strong software lineups, and Nintendo has managed to impress on that front with just a single game. Looks like E3 will make it after all, although it would appear that E3 Live was dreadful and the showfloor had a lot of free space, so there's room for improvement next year.

Chris subjected himself to VR pornography and the creators of VR pornography subjected themselves to Chris, a situation that did not benefit either party. Nintendo's Reggie Fils-Amie said that VR isn't mainstream enough for Nintendo to bother with right now, which would ruin his hipster cred if he had even traces of it left after years of Nintendo Direct skits. Later, he was photographed looking mournfully at an Xbox. Don't let anybody tell you that we don't do serious journalism round here.

Today in Project Scorpio, Phil Spencer said that some games will look better, which further contributed to the prevailing sense of bafflement. Microsoft were upfront about Dead Rising 4 being Xbox-exclusive for a year, however, and Sea of Thieves is not free-to-play, which is good for Rare because that didn't really work out for Lionhead. You can also play it solo although it'll probably be much less fun as a result.

People already have some very elaborate theories about Kojima's Death Stranding, which were in no way helped by a string of Tweets from Kojima. The Resident Evil 7 demo is a taster rather than the full game, which will be first-person and not include quicktime events.

Todd Howard admitted that the dialogue in Fallout 4 didn't really work. Square's Final Fantasy XV demo is not very good. Microsoft wants get back in the habit of releasing some (but not all) of its games on Steam.

Back in the increasingly musky office, Matt unearthed some of the secrets of the Resident Evil 7 demo, Martin got excited about the Monster Hunter demo coming out, and everybody got Prince of Persia for free.

Let us now look forward to a bold new future - the Steam Summer Sale starts next week, Chris is definitely going to get some sort of written warning at the bare minimum, and Gamescom is just a few short months away although (Sony hasn't decided if it'll be there yet.) We'll have our Games of E3 up shortly, and you can find all the show highlights in our E3 2016 guide.

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