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"Technological challenges" holding up OnLive iPad app

OnLive still in talks with Apple nine months after announcement.

"Technical challenges" are holding up the OnLive iPad app, the company has told Eurogamer.

The OnLive viewer app is available on the App Store, but the OnLive app, which was supposed to bring the full OnLive experience to Apple's fancy tablet, is yet to launch - some nine months after OnLive announced it.

New CEO of OnLive Charlie Jablonski told Eurogamer there were "technological challenges" with getting the app released, and that whatever the end product ends up providing, it will need to make business sense for Apple.

"Apple, and rightly so, is as concerned about what the end customer experience is as we are," Jablonski told us at Eurogamer Expo this week.

"We are looking at ways to completely integrate a real game playing experience in the tablet that's mutually beneficial to both of us. There are technological challenges, and like with any partner discussion it's got to make business sense for them as well."

It has been speculated that Apple and OnLive are at loggerheads because of Apple's insistence on taking a 30 per cent cut from in-app purchases. The Android version of OnLive does feature in-app purchases.

Jablonski wouldn't be drawn on specifics, though, saying: "I'm not declaratory about discussions that may or may not be ongoing that lead to something in the future. It's just not my style. It's impolite to declare those things."

He added: "I don't want to put something out there where you don't sit there and go, gee, this really works."

For now, there is no timeframe on a release - "Not that we're not working on it."

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