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Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist live action series hits Kickstarter

From the people who brought you the Street Fighter: Legacy fan film.

The people behind Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist, the live action series officially sanctioned by Capcom, have launched a Kickstarter campaign.

Writer and director Joey Ansah is after £625,000 to help get the film out by the end of the year. At the time of publication £8545 had been raised.

Assassin's Fist is from the people behind Street Fighter: Legacy, the short fan film with over four million views on YouTube. Ansah called Legacy a "dress rehearsal" for Assassin's Fist, and promised better effects and over two hours of content.

Veteran Japanese actor Togo Igawa, who starred in The Last Samurai, has signed on to play Gotetsu. He is joined by four other mystery Japanese actors.

Londoner Joey Ansah fought Matt Damon in The Bourne Ultimatum as Desh, and also starred in Snow White and the Huntsman.

"It was always my intention to raise finance for this modest budget series via independent investment," Ansah said. "Asking you, the fans, for money was never my initial intention. But in this tough economic recession, and in the limited time since acquiring the option, we have managed to secure some, but not all of our production budget.

"If we are unable to raise the remaining finance required pretty quickly, we are in jeopardy of losing what finance we do have, which would delay us going into production possibly until next year...which nobody wants!

"We have had other offers of significant finance from the 'movie industry' but this has come with 'strings attached' which would compromise the creative vision I have for 'Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist': to give YOU the fans the Street Fighter movie you've always wanted. That's not how I, or any of my team, roll!"

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