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Star Trek: Infinite Space cancelled


Star Trek: Infinite Space has been cancelled.

German publisher Gameforge canned the free-to-play browser MMO after failing to find partners to help bring the game to market.

"Since autumn 2011 we made many efforts to find a publishing and marketing partner for Star Trek: Infinite Space," GameForge said in a statement translated by GamesIndustry International.

"Unfortunately, our efforts were not successful. So we have decided with a heavy heart to finally abandon the project Star Trek: Infinite Space. The discontinuation is very regrettable. Unfortunately it happens from time to time that a good concept for a game cannot be implemented as originally planned."

Concern over the future of Infinite Space was raised last year when GameForge axed 100 staff and cancelled HellBreed and Mythos.

It was announced in 2010 as an MMO with a focus on Deep Space Nine, with long-standing Star Trek television consultants Denise and Michael Okuda on board.

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