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Sony's Japan Studio unveils three new Vita titles for Europe

Introducing Freedom Wars, Oreshika and Soul Sacrifice Delta.

Sony's Japan Studio - the place that lent a hand in developing such classics as Demon's Souls, Shadow of the Colossus and Gravity Rush - has announced a trio of new games coming to European and North American Vitas.

Chief among these is Freedom Wars, a third-person action game being co-developed by Dimps (co-developer of Street fight 4 and Sonic 4) and Shift (Gods Eater Burst). Based on its trailer below, it looks like a pretty even mix of shooting and melee brawling and it supports up to eight-player online co-op, with four-player ad-hoc support. It tells the story of a future where people are sentenced to prison for a million years just for being born. Talk about original sin, amirite?

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Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines.

The second part of Japan Studio's upcoming trio is the RPG Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines. Little is known about this one, but it follows the story of an ancient Japanese clan that has a maximum lifespan of two years. The terminally ill soldiers must attempt to lift the curse and get in the gods' good graces so that subsequent clans will be more powerful. After all, I imagine it's pretty hard to imbue life lessons upon your children when you're only alive for two years. Actually, it's impossible to have children when you're only alive that long, but this is a fantasy game, so I think it's safe to assume that rapid aging is part of the equation.

The least exciting of the bunch is Soul Sacrifice Delta, which is really just a spruced up version of Mega Man creator Keiji Inafune's boss hunting Vita game from last year. Due on 14th May, this enhanced edition of Soul Sacrifice will include different factions you can join, new archfiends, improved enemy AI, slick weather effects, and more missions and spells. And yes, your save data from the original Soul Sacrifice will carry over.

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