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Sonic the Hedgehog movie has been delayed into next year

"To make Sonic just right".

Paramount's much-maligned Sonic the Hedgehog movie project has been delayed by a little over three months, and will now release on 14th February, 2020.

The Sonic movie was originally scheduled to hit cinemas on 7th November this year - until, that is, fan ridicule reached fever-pitch following the release of the film's first trailer last month. There was already deep scepticism surrounding the art choices Paramount had made in reimagining Sonic for the big screen, beginning almost immediately with the very first character reveal. However, when the world finally got a proper look at movie Sonic in action, the entire cinematic endeavour was hit with a tidal wave of online disapproval.

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Days after the trailer first landed on the internet, the Sonic movie's director, Jeff Fowler, took to Twitter, writing, "The message is loud and clear... you aren't happy with the design & you want changes." These changes would now be made, he pledged, insisting that, "Everyone at Paramount & Sega are fully committed to making this character the BEST he can be..."

Following that news, many were doubtful that much, if anything, could be achieved in the time remaining before the Sonic film's originally planned arrival on 7th November this year. In that light, it's not entirely surprising to hear that the project has been given a little bit more breathing room, although it perhaps is surprising that Paramount is committed to addressing fan complaints to the tune of a three-month delay.

The time, said Fowler in his latest announcement, would be used "to make Sonic just right." And in a nod to those that had previously expressed concern about the workload involved in updating Sonic's design in such a short timeframe, Fowler added, "#novfxartistswereharmedinthemakingofthismovie".

So there you go; Sonic's cinematic turn is now scheduled for 14th February next year. All eyes on the next trailer then.

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