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SEGA wants iPhone game ideas

Or it's Sonic and more Sonic.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

SEGA is brainstorming ideas for iPhone and iPod Touch games and wants to know what you fancy.

"So the question is, what sort of games are you looking to see on this new platform?" asks the publisher the SEGA website. "Any idea is welcome, no matter how out there or random, we'll take it and add it the list for the presentation."

The game has to be a SEGA creation, which rules Road Rash out, and no original concepts will be accepted.

Ideas will be gathered on Twitter, Facebook and on the SEGA forums and put to a panel later today - US time, we imagine, which gives you a while.

Requests so far cover Streets of Rage, Golden Axe, Crazy Taxi, Outrun and Chu Chu Rocket. Get in there!

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