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Ruffian gives Game of Glens a rest

To focus on bigger projects.

Scottish studio Ruffian is giving Game of Glens, its Angry Birds meets Minecraft meets World of Goo strategy game, a rest following its stint on Square Enix's crowdfunding hype builder the Collective.

Game of Glens had struggled on the three-project pilot phase of the Collective, suffering a backlash Eurogamer explored in an article published in February. Users were asked: would you back this project through crowd-funding? For Game of Glens, just 40 per cent said they would.

With a 90 per cent yes vote, Tuque Games' World War Machine will now begin a crowdfunding campaign via the Collective's Indiegogo page towards the end of April.

But what next for Game of Glens?

"We're really glad Collective has opened fully and look forward to seeing what comes out of the process," producer producer Jim Cope told Eurogamer.

"We'd encourage other developers to give it a go. Of course, we wish the best of luck to everyone at Tuque with World War Machine during their crowdfunding phase. Being part of the Collective pilot was a really constructive exercise and we learned a lot from it.

"Obviously we would have liked our Game of Glens pitch to fare better but we still believe in it and think we can still find the right audience for the game. So exactly what we do with Game of Glens next is undecided.

"We're pursuing a number of options and are giving it a bit of time to follow those up. That breathing room plays as an advantage to our other, bigger, projects which are keeping us really busy and are shaping up really well.

"Wish I could say more about those now but give us a few more months..."

Back in February Cope told Eurogamer one of Ruffian's unannounced projects would appeal more to Crackdown fans.

As for the Collective, it's ready for a full launch, and developers can now submit pitches.

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