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Rock Band 2 for Wii in October

30 quid, compatible with old instruments.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

EA, MTV, Harmonix and whoever else they've got round today have announced that Rock Band 2 for Wii will be released in Europe this October.

Available as a solus disc, it will cost £29.99 or thereabouts.

There's no information on a specific date, and online retailers don't seem to know either - Amazon doesn't list one, Play says 9th, GAME says 30th.

EA also said that the number of available songs - across the disc and the online store - will exceed 250 by early 2010, with weekly updates bolstering that figure.

The Wii version of Rock Band 2 will obviously work with existing Rock Band and The Beatles: Rock Band peripherals.

However, it's also compatible with - and it's sort of weird to see this in an EA press release - most Guitar Hero controllers and other authorised peripherals.

Honestly, they mention the other lot. Peace in our time!

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