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Rez HD developer making Okami HD

HexaDrive also helped make The 3rd Birthday.

The developer behind Rez HD is helping Capcom make Okami HD.

Little known Japanese studio HexaDrive is collaborating with Capcom on the hotly-anticipated HD remake, Joystiq reports.

This bodes well: Rez HD launched on Xbox Live Arcade in 2008 to critical acclaim. Eurogamer's Rez HD review tapped its foot to a 10/10, with Simon Parkin declaring it "indispensable".

HexaDrive, which is home to Masakazu Matsushita, lead programmer of Devil May Cry 3 and Lost Planet, has a history of collaborating with big Japanese publishers. It helped Square Enix make PlayStation Portable Parasite Eve spin-off The 3rd Birthday, for example.

Okami HD launches exclusively on PlayStation 3 this autumn for £15.99 with Move support.

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