Reservoir Dogs: Bloody Days release date revealed
It's so hard to keep this smile from my face.
Upcoming isometric Reservoir Dogs riff, Reservoir Dogs: Bloody Days, is slated to arrive on Steam 18th May, publisher Lionsgate has announced.

Developed by Barcelona's Big Star Games, Reservoir Dogs: Bloody Days is a non-canon look at the exploits of the titular black-suited men before their jewelry store score went south. This time out, you'll get to play as all six of the colour-monicked gangsters as they go on a crime spree across 18 different heists.
Bloody Days may not be totally in keeping with the plot or character design of Quentin Tarantino's perennial classic, as the developer couldn't afford the rights to the various actors' likeness, but it does utilise the film's flashback structure as a unique gameplay mechanic.
The way this works is that you play up to 30 seconds with one character, then rewind and switch roles to another robber who infiltrates the compound while your previous play retraces its steps. It's like Super Time Force meets Hotline Miami then.
I previewed Reservoir Dogs: Bloody Days at GDC earlier this year and found its core gameplay mechanic appealing, even if the connection to its source material seemed a bit thin.