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QuakeCon 2014 moves to July

Will John Carmack go?

The annual QuakeCon event has moved from August to July for 2014. It will take place in Dallas, Texas, from 17th-20th July.

It began as - and still is - one huge LAN party, to which people lug their own PCs. But since Bethesda's parent company ZeniMax Media bought id Software, QuakeCon has increasingly become a publisher showroom.

By July, The Elder Scrolls Online will be out and Bethesda will only have Shinji Mikami's The Evil Within to fuss about. Could QuakeCon 2014 be the time and place to announce something Fallout-related?

And what of John Carmack, he so synonymous with anything Quake, he who left id Software last year to work at Oculus VR? Will he be there? Who will fill his shoes and deliver the annual keynote if he isn't?

Look at these two: they know what time it is.

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