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Project Awakened fails to secure funding on Kickstarter

The studio "is moving on with Plan B."

Horn and The Dark Meadow developer Phosphor Games' epic Unreal 4-engine superhero game codenamed Project Awakened has failed to reach its Kickstarter goal before the deadline.

The studio was looking for $500,000. It raised $338,498.

Project Awakened had actually been in development off and on for six years. It was originally called Hero back at Midway before the publisher went belly up. Our Chris Donlan recently investigated its troubled history over the years.

While the Project Awakened Kickstarter was unsuccessful, this doesn't look like it'll be the end for Phosphor's pet project. The studio "is moving on with Plan B," it told Eurogamer, noting that more details will be announced very soon, so stay tuned.

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