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Pre-order Diablo 3 on PS3 and you'll get an XP boosting helm


The Infernal Helm.

Pre-order Diablo 3 on PlayStation 3 and you'll get the Infernal Helm, which grants an experience point boost, Blizzard has announced. Each of the game's five classes can wear it.

Certain retailers will also offer limited-edition pre-order bonuses, Blizzard said, and these will be announced soon. Diablo 3 carries a suggested retail price of £49.99 in the UK.

Blizzard announced Diablo 3 for PlayStation at Sony's PlayStation 4 reveal event in New York earlier this year.

It's due out on both the PlayStation 3 and the PlayStation 4, the latter of which is expected to launch this Christmas.

Diablo 3 on console has four-player local co-op on a single screen, with controls and a user interface optimised for console play.

What it doesn't have, though, is the PC version's Auction House. Instead there will menu-driven item trading. You can play both offline and online.

The action role-playing game launched on PC and Mac on 15th May 2012 and in 24 hours became the fastest-selling PC game of all time. As of 31st December 2012, Diablo 3 had sold over 12 million copies.

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