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Phil Fish to patch Fez on Xbox Live Arcade


Polytron will patch the Xbox Live Arcade version of Fez, Phil Fish has announced.

"GOOD NEWS EVERYONE: we're going to patch FEZ on XBLA!" he wrote on Twitter.

"It's going to take a few months, though," he added, "but we're doing it!"


Last week Eurogamer reported that Microsoft had ditched its policy of charging developers for Xbox 360 title updates.

Fish was one of a number of developers who spoke out about having to pay Microsoft tens of thousands of dollars to patch their games. In July 2012 Fish decided to re-issue a patch that corrupted a small minority of player's save files because fixing it would require the very costly process of getting the game re-certified.

At the time Fez developer Phil Fish praised Steam, explaining that the PC platform's model would have alleviated the problem. "Had Fez been released on Steam instead of XBLA, the game would have been fixed two weeks after release, at no cost to us," he said. "And if there was an issue with that patch, we could have fixed that right away too!"

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