Pac-Man: Championship Edition 2 outed by Korean ratings board
Coming to PS4, Xbox One and PC.
Pac-Man looks poised to make his debut on current gen consoles as a listing for Pac-Man: Championship Edition 2 has been spotted on the Korean ratings board (via lifelower on Twitter).

The first Pac-Man: Championship Edition was released in 2007 on Xbox Live. The acclaimed title was later ported to iOS, Android, 3DS, PSP and PS3.
Bandai Namco later followed it up with the fantastic Pac-Man: Championship Edition DX, which Eurogamer contributor (and former editor) Kristan Reed awarded top marks to upon its release in 2010.
"To say that this is a must-buy is doing it a disservice; it's a game you'll want to instantly evangelise to anyone with even the vaguest sense of what makes a game good," Reed wrote in his Pac-Man: Championship Edition DX review.
We've requested comment from Bandai Namco about this leaked sequel and will update should we find out more.