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Nintendo Switch shipped an impressive 4.7m in four months

Arms breaks a million copies.

More than 4.7m Nintendo Switch consoles have been shipped since the platform's launch at the beginning of March.

Nintendo shifted 1.97m of those during April, May and June, despite limited stock being available worldwide. It's an impressive start - and crucially, unlike Wii U, one which as yet shows no sign of losing momentum.

Switch-exclusive games are selling just as well. Zelda: Breath of the Wild still leads the pack, with a whopping 3.92m units sold (although it's also available on Wii U).

Mario Kart 8 has sold 3.54m - an enormous chunk of the Switch install base. Arms, meanwhile, has passed the 1m sales milestone.

Nintendo's coffers have had a positive few months as a result. The company earned 154bn yen (£1.05bn) over the past three months, making it the most profitable first quarter for Nintendo since 2011.

That equated to some 21.3bn yen in profit (£146m) - a huge turnaround from a 24.5bn yen (£168m) loss 12 months ago.

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