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Nintendo patent hints at VR support for Switch

Slots into a headset ala Gear VR.

A new Nintendo patent hints at what could be VR support for its upcoming handheld/console hybrid, the Nintendo Switch.

As discovered by NeoGAF user Rösti on the US Patent and Trademark Office's official site, Nintendo filed a patent on something that looks suspiciously similar to a VR headset.

The abstract notes that this peripheral contains two belts that "can be mounted on the head of the user". The diagram's arrow connecting a flat device to an open slot looks very similar to the format favoured by Samsung's Gear VR or Google's Daydream View.

It's unclear if Nintendo will actually move forward with this idea. Perhaps it was just testing the waters to see what was possible? But who knows, maybe this will be a new trick Nintendo pulls out its sleeve when it formally presents the Nintendo Switch's features on 13th January.

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